Development Organisations
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(This is an article in series of 16. Read the article #2 in the current issue of 16)
In Essence
ISSUE #2: In order for us to truly leave no one behind in this process it’s essential that all aspects such as gender equality, sustainability, eradication of poverty and environmental protection are taken into account and given due recognition through policy implementation measures.
What is the concept of Development?
Solving the economic Inequality puzzle
Development as a Social Progress?
The environment and sustainability?
→ Gender equality
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Smaller issues, large impacts!
What is the concept of Development?
This definition has multiple perspectives:The concept of development is widely used in our day-to-day life as well as in literatures. The concept of development is nothing new. Though the meaning and perception of development is continuously changing, for example if getting electricity was termed as development earlier maybe getting satellite TV connection and internet connection is what you call development. Humans have come a long way. From hunting our food, to growing it, to ordering it over the phone. Life has gotten easier and better for most humanity. As we've built advanced societies with many people leading longer and healthier lives made even better by modern amenities. This process is called development. The idea of development is related to the ideas of progress, of equality, justice, economic growth.
Solving the economic Inequality puzzle
Development as a Social Progress?
The environment and sustainability?
→ Gender equality
If we are truly committed to creating an equitable world for all people, gender equality should be at the forefront of any development efforts. This means recognising the unique challenges faced by women and other marginalised groups around the world and making sure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes affecting them directly. We must ensure that all individuals are able to exercise their rights equally without fear of discrimination or violence. Only then can we build a society based on inclusion and shared prosperity where everyone has an opportunity for success regardless of their gender or background.
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ISSUE #2: In order for us to truly leave no one behind in this process it’s essential that all aspects such as gender equality, sustainability, eradication of poverty and environmental protection are taken into account and given due recognition through policy implementation measures.