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Greetings from Sydney, Australia. Shekhar here!In this blog, we will explore some key concepts, "Leadership as a social process".(This is an article in a series. Read this current issue #9 of 9) 


In Essence

Reflecting on these concepts highlights the need for leaders to be comfortable with uncertainty and able to adapt to the ever-changing nature of their contexts. Overall, understanding the contextual factors that shape leadership and management is crucial for effective practice and research.


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Leadership as a social process

The issue of Critical Leadership Studies encompasses a range of perspectives and approaches, all grounded in the understanding that leadership is a social process that shapes and is shaped by broader social and cultural contexts. By conducting critical examinations of normative social processes, we can challenge dominant discourses and encourage a practice of critical leadership.


The Elusive Nature of Leadership

Listening to the Radio National Best Practice audios on 21C Management Failure, Authentic Leadership, Genuine Leadership, Good Boss Bad Boss, and Why Responsible Leadership is Good for Business, reinforced the idea that leadership and management are highly contextualized phenomena that require different skills, styles, and strategies depending on the specific situation.The interviews with various experts and practitioners underscored the importance of understanding the complexities of the contemporary workplace, including new technologies, diverse workforces, changing values and norms, and the need for ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible practices.

Top 10 Differences between Managers and Leaders

Find below some good videos on the Top 10 Differences between Managers and Leaders, What is Context, Leadership as Practice, What is a Wicked Problem, and Got a Wicked Problem provided additional frameworks and concepts that help understand the role of context in leadership.

The Top 10 Differences video highlighted the key distinctions between the two roles, such as focusing on systems versus people, delegating versus collaborating, and maintaining status quo versus driving change.

The videos on context and wicked problems emphasized the need to recognize the multiple perspectives, values, and interests that shape any problem, and the importance of adaptive and creative responses to complex and uncertain situations.




Watch these Videos: Top 10 Differences between managers and leaders  What is context: Leadership as practice: What is a Wicked Problem Got a Wicked Problem? 




Leadership and management are greatly influenced by the systems and environments in which they operate, making context an essential consideration in research and practice.

Authentic and genuine leadership qualities cannot simply be taught or learned, as they require a deeper understanding of personal values and beliefs.

The differentiation between leaders and managers is also critical, with managers typically focused on maintaining order, while leaders inspire change. Solving complex and interconnected problems, known as wicked problems, requires adaptive and collaborative leadership, prioritizing learning and experimentation in uncertain situations.


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Reflecting on these concepts highlights the need for leaders to be comfortable with uncertainty and able to adapt to the ever-changing nature of their contexts. Overall, understanding the contextual factors that shape leadership and management is crucial for effective practice and research.